The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons

This week Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen participated in two panel discussions in Boston and New York City entitled "The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Ongoing Lessons" Other panelists included Ralph Nader, Peter Bradford, Naoto Kan, Gregory Jaczko and Jean-Michel Cousteau.

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In San Diego, Fukushima legacy comes calling

In San Diego, Fukushima legacy comes calling

As Southern California weighs the fate of the crippled San Onofre nuclear plant, the former prime minister who led Japan through the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster delivered a warning Tuesday in San Diego that the true dangers and costs of nuclear power have not been addressed. Since stepping down as prime minister in August 2011, Naoto Kan has evolved into an advocate for renewable energy.

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