Atomic Weeds are Choking the Renewable Garden

Dear Fairewinds Follower,

The formal academic word economists use when people have a choice of how to spend their money is “opportunity cost.”  Therefore, spending precious money and time on building new nukes means that another option, building renewable energy, must be foregone. An opportunity is lost.

As a Fairewinds subscriber, our crew appreciates the opportunity you give us each year to speak the truth to the atomic industry from its bomb makers, mining firms, power companies to its waste storage schemers. As 2020 approaches, we are running on empty and need your financial help!

Fairewinds has another way to explain “opportunity cost.”  Every gardener or farmer knows that weeds deprive soil of precious moisture and nutrients. As a result, gardeners and farmers remove destructive weeds so that gardens and crops will produce and flourish.

The energy production industry is similar in that there is only a fixed amount of money for energy production investment. Funding new nukes and extending the lives of old decrepit nukes chokes out precious financial resources that should be invested in creating renewable energy here in the US and abroad.

At Fairewinds Energy Education, our mission is to pull those ‘atomic’ weeds to provide more resources to spend on our green new future (#GND #GreenNewDeal). Your donation to Fairewinds will help us continue these major efforts. Renewable energy creates new American jobs and greater revenues for local communities and is much cheaper and safer than atomic power reactors (see FukushimaThree Mile Island, and Chernobyl).

Creating renewable energy is the critical component needed to fight our planet’s expanding climate emergency, and doing so requires sound scientific data to lead the way. Fairewinds research shows that precious financial resources should not be spent promoting more expensive financial schemes creating new nukes. Our climate and our environment need protection, and we need new industries and jobs.

Please donate and support Fairewinds Energy Education as we shed light on the significant dangers created by nuclear power and ongoing radioactive leaks from more than 9,000 defunct uranium mines, atomic bomb and power plant waste dumps, and the fuel-fabrication facilities for weapons and power! You cannot see, smell, or taste migrating radioactivity.

By donating today, you will Help Fairewinds Pull the Atomic Weeds from the Renewable Garden in 2020. Let’s work together to really move energy education forward in this new decade.

Thank you for reading and using our educational material and for supporting our work!

Best wishes in this giving season,

Maggie & Arnie Gundersen