Nuclear Timelines: A New Tool for Looking at History

Our crew unveils the new, user friendly Fairewinds' Timeline Maker for tracking problems at individual nuclear plants around the world.  Listen as Nat, Lucas and Arnie explain how simple it was to use the Fairewinds' Timeline Maker to illustrate the technical issues and flawed corporate decision-making that ultimately forced the shutdown of San Onofre.  The Timeline Maker can be used at any nuclear plant throughout the nation, and can be customized by individuals and groups to prevent  Forty Good Years from becoming One Bad Day.  As Lucas explains, by using the Fairewinds Timeline Maker  "I have yet to find a nuclear power plant where I have not been surprised, if not mildly alarmed, at the track record that they show over time when you legitimately collect the data and analyze it on one plate instead of trying to break it up into these little event-sized bits." See the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Timeline Here

