West Coast Radiation Exposure: What are the risks?

West Coast Radiation Exposure:  What are the risks?

Fairewinds Energy Education's Arnie Gundersen discusses the risk to the US West Coast population from the ongoing releases from Fukushima Daiichi. Should we be worried about walking by or swimming in the Pacific? How safe are California’s beaches? What about eating Pacific seafood? These are the links mentioned in the film:

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Fish data belie Japan's claims on Fukushima

Fish data belie Japan's claims on Fukushima

By Alex Roslin, Straight.com

Are fish from the Pacific Ocean safe to eat? It’s a question that’s back in the news after revelations of highly radioactive water leaking into the ocean from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

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Is the United States remaining vigilant to Fukushima risks?

Is the United States remaining vigilant to Fukushima risks?

By Lucas W. Hixson, Enformable.com As our readers may be aware, on multiple occasions over the last two years Russia has made data public on contaminated imports from Japan which have been sent back due to radiation concerns.  In early August, Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s federal customer rights protection agency told Russian media outlets that some 112 contaminated batch lots of goods from Japan had been barred from entering the country after failing radiation tests.

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There is no way to stop Fukushima radioactive water leaking into the Pacific

There is no way to stop Fukushima radioactive water leaking into the Pacific

The rate at which contaminated water has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant is worse than previously thought, an Industry Ministry official said Wednesday as PM Shinzo Abe pledged to step up efforts to halt the crisis. The Voice of Russia contacted Arnold Gundersen, founder and president of Fairewinds Associates, to discuss the crisis and its possible solutions. The expert suggests radioactive material will continue to leak into the global seas unless the plant is surrounded with a trench filled with zeolite. Even then however, toxic material will still flow into  the Pacific through underwater routes.

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Arnie Gundersen on Wayne Brittenden's Counterpoint, for Radio New Zealand

Arnie Gundersen on Wayne Brittenden's Counterpoint, for Radio New Zealand

Arnie Gundersen is interviewed by Wayne Brittenden for his program "Counterpoint" on Radio New Zealand. Last Tuesday's revelation that the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant is leaking contaminated water into the ocean and that the Japanese government has known about the spillage, confirms the fears of independent experts. Wayne looks at the aftermath of the disaster.

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Arnie Gundersen Discusses Radioactive Water Leaking Into the Pacific Ocean with CNN's John King

Gundersen discusses the radioactive water which is sitting in trenches and leaking into the ocean. He explains how the hydrogen explosion in reactor 2 caused a breeched containment. Gundersen puts into perspective the level of radiation being released into the ocean.

About The Video

Gundersen discusses the radioactive water which is sitting in trenches and leaking into the ocean. He explains how the hydrogen explosion in reactor 2 caused a breeched containment. Gundersen puts into perspective the level of radiation being released into the ocean.
