White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10

Fairewinds' chief engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety.

Fairewinds' Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety.




Arnie Gundersen: Hi I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds and it's June 5th, Sunday.

I wanted to talk to you today about emergency planning. Emergency plans are kind of unique to nuclear power plants; coal plants don't have them, oil plants don't have them, windmills and solar farms don't need them either. Way back when nuclear regulations were started, the people recognized that nuclear plants were different, and there would be a need to evacuate lots of people in the event of a nuclear accident. So they came up with a law to implement those concerns. There is a thing called a Code of Federal Regulations. Every agency has their own Code of Federal Regulations. And the nuclear one is part 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. So 10CFR is nuclear law. Within that, is a part 100. Part 100 talks about how to site a nuclear plant. Within that is a Chapter 11 that talks about emergency planning. So it's 10CFR nuclear law 100.11 is what we are going to talk about today. That law says really, really simply that there is only one criteria for emergency planning. And that is that nobody in the population get more than 25 rem of radiation during the course of a nuclear accident. That is how the law is written. That is the number, that is the goal that the utilities must stay below. Now Chairman Jaczko has said that he is confident that 10 mile plans are adequate, and yet, in Japan, Chairman Jaczko recommended to the White House to evacuate out to 50 miles. But there is no basis in the law in 10CFR to discuss what that distance is. It is just whatever it takes to stay below 25 rem of radiation. So, Congress then told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that they have to come up with a way to calculate that exposure. And this is where it gets interesting. The law is clear: 25 rem is the most somebody can get. But it is based on a lot of speculation about what is released from a nuclear power plant. Now all that speculation is put into something called a NUREG and that is a regulation that implements the bigger law. There are two NUREGs that apply, NUREG 0654 and NUREG 0396 are the two. But anyway they are just a compilation of all of the speculation that the that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission assumes when they try to implement 10CFR100.

Now let's talk about how this ten mile zone came to be. The NRC was allowed to make some assumptions about how much radiation got out of a nuclear power plant. It is just speculation. The NRC and the industry got together and they said let's speculate that 1% of the nuclear fuel fails in the event of an accident. And of that 1%, let's speculate that 95% of THAT gets stuck on the inside of all of the containment boundaries that are inside of there.

And so, of the 1% of the 95% of that, all of the remainder is inside the nuclear containment. And the NRC says lets assume that the containment then leaks at a half percent per day. So this speculation that only 1% of the fuel fails and that 95% of that gets stuck on the walls, and that then only a half a percent of what remains is released everyday, is the basis that the nuclear industry and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission come up with when they determine the emergency planning zones around a nuclear reactor.

When you apply all those assumptions, you come up with a very small emergency planning zone, a couple miles. So the NRC said, lets go out to 10 miles, and that is in NUREG 0396. It appears as an assumption in a regulation, but it is really NOT part of nuclear law. And it is based on a whole series of speculations that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear industry agreed to.

Fukushima shows us that all of those assumptions went up in smoke quite literally on March 11th. We know that ALL of the fuel failed not 1%. We know that the containment leaked like a sieve. So the speculation that was nuclear regulation on March the 10th, really has no basis in fact since March 11th.

So the Nuclear Regulatory Commission makes a bunch of speculation and they determine that there is no way that anybody outside of 10 miles is ever going to receive an excess amount of radiation. Then they have to develop a written evacuation plan for people inside that 10 mile zone. And here is what that written plan speculates. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, school bus drivers who have families outside the 10 mile zone, will leave their families, hop in the school bus and drive INTO the nuclear accident to evacuate kids at the local high school. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, those school bus drivers will leave their families outside, drive INTO the accident to evacuate elders in elder housing. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, parents WILL NOT drive to school to rescue their kids. They will drive away from the nuclear accident and wait for the school busses to come to them.

Now it's actually a little worse than that because the most likely type of a nuclear accident is caused by a loss of offsite power. That is what happened at Fukushima: the power system AROUND the plant broke down. If that happens, not only will the plant not have power, but the street lights won't work. According to the NRC, the street lights DO work. Not only that, but your home lighting won't work and your radio and TV won't work. But according to the NRC, you will be able to contact the outside world by phones or by radio or by television.

But remember the most likely cause of a nuclear accident is loss of offsite power and that has NEVER been part of an emergency plan, assuming that all of that does not work.

Again though, there are some other issues that need to be considered in addition, and that is infrastructure. That means highways, for instance. Let's look at Pilgrim for a moment. Pilgrim is at the base of Cape Cod. And if it has an accident and the wind is blowing as it was in Fukushima to the east, that is right across Cape Cod.

But the emergency plan for Pilgrim tells people to stay in place on Cape Cod; don't evacuate. So the radioactive winds are blowing towards them, but the emergency plan assumes that they don't move. Now anybody who has ever been to Cape Cod knows there are two bridges and they are always full of traffic. So the traffic problems, the infrastructure problems, will limit the ability to evacuate people in a real drill.

Another plant with similar problems is Indian Point. Indian Point has two major highways heading north-south on one side of the plant, and the Hudson River on the other. So it is trapped in a river valley corridor, where the radioactive plumes usually travel in the same direction, north-south. It is hard to imagine that people will drive rationally and not have a seven car pile up on one of those highways, slowing the evacuation down. But again, according to the NRC, every bit of traffic moves reasonably.

But let's look a little further south in another infrastructure problem. Down in Florida, there is a plant called Turkey Point. It was almost hit by hurricane Andrew about 20 years ago and afterwards, infrastructure was destroyed around the power plant. The security systems did not work, the radiation detectors did not work, the highways were a mess, and there is no way that it could have been evacuated, had the hurricane caused an accident.

On the opposite coast, we have got Diablo Canyon in California which is right next to an earthquake fault. But according to the NRC, all of the bridges will not collapse in the earthquake and people will be able to drive away from the accident on bridges that miraculously withstand the earthquake, when the power plant does not.

So emergency planners at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and in the nuclear industry would like us to believe two things: That people behave rationally in an emergency and do what the plan was written to do. And that Mother Nature is benign and there is no damage to infrastructure.

On March 10th, the day before Fukushima happened, if you had asked me who were the best people on the planet to be prepared in the event that an emergency happened, I would have said it was the Japanese. And yet, look, here we are 3 months later and it is obvious that they were totally unprepared for the accident that actually occurred.

What I am proposing here is not that we take a look at the law. It is a good law, and it says 25 rem, and that will protect the population.

But what is more important is to look at all the speculation that goes into developing all that implementing stuff that goes behind this. That goes into, let's take a look, what did we learn from Fukushima about how much radiation can be released from an accident, what did we learn from Fukushima about the condition of the infrastructure after an accident. And take all of that and come up with better emergency planning. When I factor in all the things I just discussed, fuel failures, containment failures, winds that blow in more than one direction, irrational behavior, destroyed infrastructure, I reach the conclusion that the NRC needs to demand emergency plans out to 50 miles, not 10, just like the United States required in Japan.

If it is good enough for Americans living in Japan, it is good enough for us back home. I am sure it will be more expensive. But the goal of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission should be to protect us, not industry profits.






このため、これらの懸念に対処するための法整備をおこないました。これが連邦行政規則集(Code of Federal Regulations)の1つになっています。全ての政府機関はそれぞれの連邦行政規則集を持っています。原子力に関わるのは連邦行政規則第十巻(10 CFR)で、これはエネルギー法です。その中の第100章が原子力発電所の立地に関わり、そのうち第11条が非常事態計画について述べています。つまり、連邦行政規則第十巻 (10 CFR)100.11が私たちが今日お話しすることです。


NRCのジャスコ委員長(Chairman Jaczko)は10マイルの緊急計画が十分だと自信を持って述べていますが、同一人物が日本についてはホワイトハウスに米国市民の50マイル以内からの避難を勧告しています。しかし、その距離をどう定めるかについて10 CFRは根拠を示していません。ただ、放射線被爆を21 REMを最大限にとどめることのみを定めています。そこで議会は原子力規制委員会に対して、被爆量を計算する方法を明らかにするように指示しました。それが興味深いことになったのです。

法律は明瞭で、25REMが最大許容被爆量です。しかし、それは原子力発電所から放出される物質についての多くの想定をもとにしています。これらの推定の全てがNUREG (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation) と呼ばれるものとなり、拡大した法を実施する行政規則となっているのです。適用されるNUREGにはNUREG 0654 と NUREG 0396の2つがあります。いずれにしろ、これらは原子力規制委員会が10CFR100を実施する際に前提としているあらゆる想定の寄せ集めにすぎません。

さて、 この10マイル区域がどのように出て来たかに移りましょう。NRCは原子力発電所からどの程度の放射性物質が放出されたかについていくつかの前提を置くことを許されています。そのこ と自体が単なる想定に過ぎないのですが。


さら に、NRCは、格納容器がその後、1日当たり0.5%の放射能を漏洩すると想定しています。従って、核燃料の1%のみが損傷し、その95%は境界壁上に滞留し、さらに残部のうち0.5%のみが放出される、というのが原子炉周辺の緊急計画区域を決定する際の、原子力業界と原子力規制委員会の想定のもととなる根拠なのです。

これらの推定を全て適用した時、緊急計画区域は非常に狭く、2マイルの範囲になります。それで、さらにそれを10マイルに拡大しようということがNUREG 0396に規定されています。それは法規に示された前提のように見えますが、実際は原子力法に定められた条項ではありませ ん。しかもそれは、原子力規制委員会と原子力業界が合意した一連の想定をもとにしています。


そこで 原子力規制委員会はいくつかの想定の下に、原子炉から10マイル以上離れた地点で誰かが過大な放射線を浴びることは起こり得ないと断定しました。次に、10マイル内区域にいる人々の明文化された避難計画を立案する必要ができました。その計画の想定するシナリオは以下のようなものです。

原子力規制委員会によると、10マイル以内区域外に家族がいるスクールバス運転手たちは、家族を残して、スクールバスに乗り込み、地元の高校の生徒 を迎えに原子力事故現場に向かってバスを運転する。(原子力規制委員会によると)これらのスクールバス運転手は家族を外部に残して、老人ホームの高齢者を避難させるために事故現場に向かってバスを運転する。また、(原子力規制委員会によると)両親は子供達を救うために学校へ行ってはならない。彼らは事故現場から離れた方向に車を走らせ、スクールバスが来るのを待つ。

実際の 事故はこれらの想定より一層悪い。というのは原子力事故で最も起こりやすいタイプの原因は外部電源の喪失によって引き起こされるからで す。これがまさに福島で起こりました。発電所周辺の電源システムが機能停止したのです。これが起こると、発電所が電源を失うのみならず街灯もつかなくなります。しかし、NRCによれば、街灯の電気は失われない。それだけではなく、自宅の電気もラジオ、テレビも動かなくなります。それでもNRCは電話やラジオ、テレビによって外部との連絡ができるというのです。


このほかに考慮すべき他のいくつかの問題があり、それはインフラです。例えばこれは高速道路です。ピルグリム原発(Pilgrim)を見てみましょう。ピルグリムはケープ・コッド(Cape Cod)の麓にあります。ここで事故が発生し、福島のように風向きが東向きであったとすると、ちょうどケープ・コッドに差し向かいます。

しかし、ピルグリム原発の緊急プランでは人々はケープ・コッドにそのまま留まり、避難はしないことになっています。放射能を含んだ風は彼らの方に向かって吹きます が、緊急計画では彼らは避難しないことになっています。ケープ・コッドに行ったことのある人なら誰でも知っているように、そこには二本の橋があり、常に交通量は満杯です。そこで交通の問題、インフラの問題が、訓練が現実の場となった時に人々を避難させる能力に限界をもたらすでしょう。

同様の 問題を抱えたもうひとつの原発がインディアナ・ポイントです。インディアナ・ポイントは原発側と向かい側のハドソン川沿いに2つの主要な 高速道路が南北方向(北から南へ)に走っています。そのため、この原発は河谷回廊で閉じ込められており、この回廊では通常、発電所から立 ち上った汚染物質が同一方向に流れています。人々が合理的に運転を行い、これらの高速道路の片方で一度に7台の車が渋滞するようなことで 避難を遅延させるようなことはないと想像するのは困難です。しかし、ここでもまた、NRCは通行車のどれもが合理的な動きをするものとみなしています。

しかし、さらに南に下り、もう1つのインフラの問題を見てみましょう。フロリダにはターキー・ポイント(Turkey Point)と呼ばれる原発があります。ここは約20年前にハリケーン・アンドリュー(Hurricane Andrew)にもう少しで襲われるところとなり、その後、発電所周囲のインフラが破壊されました。安全システムは停止、放射線 量計も停止し、高速道路は大混雑し、もしハリケーンが原発事故を引き起こしていたら、人々を避難させる方法はなかったでしょう。

太平洋岸では、カリフォルニアにダイアブロ渓谷原発(Diablo Canyon)が、断層に隣接して立地しています。しかし、NRCによると、地震が起こっても全ての橋梁は崩壊することなく、人々は発電所が持ちこたえられない場合も、奇跡的に地震に耐えた橋を渡って事故現場から退避することができるというのです。

従って、原子力規制委員会と原子力業界の双方の緊急計画立案者は私たちに2つのことを信じさせようとしています。1つは、人々は緊急事態にお いても合理的に行動し、計画に書かれた通りに事を運ぶということ。もう1つは、母なる自然は温和で慎み深く、インフラには何の損害も及ぼさないということです。

福島事 故が起こった前日の3月10日に、緊急事態が起こった際に地球上で最もよく備えのある人々は誰かに問われれば、私はそれは日本人だと答えたでしょう。しかし、事故から3ヶ月経った現在、彼らが実際に起こった事故に対して全く無防備だったことが明白です。


より重要なのは法の背景でこれを実施する計画の立案に入り込んだあらゆる推定を注視することです。そのことが、事故からどれほどの放射能が放出するのか、事故後のインフラの状況など、福島から学んだ事柄に結びつくのです。これらを全て考慮し、よりよい緊急計画を立案するのです。 ここで述べた全てのこと―炉心の融解、格納容器の破損、一方向だけではなく多方向に向かって吹いた風、非合理的な行動、破壊されたインフラを考慮した後、私はNRCが緊急計画に対して、避難区域を米国が日本で要請した10マイル以内ではなく50マイル以内と要請すべきという結論に達したのです。

日本在 住のアメリカ人に取ってよいことは、本国の我々にとってもよいことです。それにはより費用が高くつくでしょう。しかし、原子力規制委員会 の目的は業界の利潤ではなく、私たち市民の安全を守ることであるべきです。