The NRC’s Magnificent Seven

The NRC’s Magnificent Seven

Invited guest David Lochbaum from the Union of Concerned Scientists and Maggie and Arnie Gundersen discuss the brave seven who submitted the "put up or shut down" petition in this most recent Fairewinds podcast.

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Arkansas: Nuclear plant fatality and tar sands oil pipeline spill

Arkansas: Nuclear plant fatality and tar sands oil pipeline spill

The Exxon-operated "Pegasus" oil pipeline ruptured in Mayflower, Ark. over the weekend, threatening local lakes and rivers with heavy "dilbit" crude from Canadian tar sands.

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Are Whistleblowers Being Protected By The NRC? Not Really!

Are Whistleblowers Being Protected By The NRC? Not Really!

Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen and special guest David Lochbaum, the Director of Nuclear Safety for the Union of Concerned Scientists, compare experiences about how nuclear whistleblowers are NOT protected by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission if they bring safety concerns forward. They will also discuss examples citing instances of the NRC failing to support the legitimate concerns of whistleblowers in the nuclear industry, including inside the NRC itself.

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