Follow The Money

Follow The Money

This week's show is all about money.  We look at how some utility owned U.S. nuclear power plants continue to drain the public's pocketbook, sometimes to the tune of fifty million dollars a month, without generating a single watt of electricity.

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Repairs at Four Nuclear Reactors Are So Expensive That They Should Not Be Restarted

Repairs at Four Nuclear Reactors Are So Expensive That They Should Not Be Restarted

Fairewinds examines continuing problems at four US nuclear reactors, each of which have been shutdown for more than two years.  Upstream dam failures continue to plague Ft. Calhoun, steam generator tube failures at San Onofre jeopardized Los Angeles.  Crystal River's containment repairs burden Floridians with excessive costs.  Finally, Arnie examines a new proposal by the Department of Energy to melt radioactive scrap metal and reuse it in consumer goods like knives and forks.

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