Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Seismic Report Part 1

Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Seismic Report Part 1

In this podcast, the Fairewinds Crew discusses seismicity risks and atomic power with Fairewinds Science Advisor Dr. Leslie Kanat, a double Fulbright scholar and professor of geology at Johnson State College. Dr. Kanat explains the difference between fault and subduction zones, why earthquakes are near impossible to predict, and how history can and does repeat itself. 

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Nuclear Power and Earthquakes

Nuclear Power and Earthquakes

Why is a geologist interested in nuclear plants?  Listen to Fairewinds Board member geologist Dr. Les Kanat talk with nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen about seismological events in relation to nuclear power.  Why do east coast nuclear plants have higher Core Damage Frequencies and are more likely to be damaged from an earthquake than those in California?  Do corporate economic concerns mean that nuclear plants are not designed to handle the worst 'quake? Tune in and discover what the NRC has identified as the most dangerous plant in America.

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What Are The Consequences Of Siting A Nuclear Plant In a Seismically Active Area?

What Are The Consequences Of Siting A Nuclear Plant In a Seismically Active Area?

In today's Fairewinds' podcast with Arnie Gundersen, we examine the effect of the recent earthquakes on both the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini sites, as well as potential damage from other quakes still to come. Arnie discusses Japan's previous large quakes and the impact on Japanese society. Finally, we discuss future problems with removing the spent fuel from the fuel racks in Daiichi Units 3 and 4.

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Possible Sabotage at Southern California Nuclear Plant

Possible Sabotage at Southern California Nuclear Plant

Yet more problems for San Onofre: According to Southern California Edison, a possible case of sabotage at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant is being investigated. Gundersen and KH discuss how coolant liquid at the plant may have found its way into an unrelated system and threatened the backup power supply. - San Onofre has a long history of employee concerns, and recent layoffs may have exacerbated their employee problems. - The nation's oldest running Nuclear Plant, Oyster Creek, may remain shut down for longer than expected following the discovery of a crack in the reactor head. - The NRC to back a new study which will re-evaluate earthquake risks and probabilities at U.S. nuclear plants.

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