Nuclear Industry Double Standards

Nuclear Industry Double Standards

Fairewinds Maggie Gundersen and Arnie Gundersen share this podcast to discuss the  recent internet attack against the Fairewinds website. Maggie and Arnie also discuss the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's double standard of allowing Nuclear Senior managers off the hook for significant violations while strongly reprimanding, firing, or filing criminal charges against its technicians and engineers.  Lastly, Arnie Gundersen then discusses saltwater intrusions and what that means for Japan's Hamaoka nuclear plant and how nuke speak is used to confuse the general public and press.

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Financial Pressures are Affecting Safety Decisions in the Nation's Nuclear Plants

Financial Pressures are Affecting Safety Decisions in the Nation's Nuclear Plants

Arnie explains that Oyster Creek is the only nuclear plant in the US that lacks a modern High Pressure Safety Injection System. This means that the recently discovered pipe crack in a 3 inch pipe at Oyster Creek would create a serious safety threat if it were to completely break. Arnie also discusses the cost of operating nuclear plants, and how many nuclear plants around the country are no longer a low cost electric producer. Finally, Arnie looks at the three nuclear plants with extended shutdowns (Ft. Calhoun, San Onofre and Crystal River) and concludes that the cost of maintaining large staffs when no electricity is being produced is not in the best interests of the ratepayers.

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Possible Sabotage at Southern California Nuclear Plant

Possible Sabotage at Southern California Nuclear Plant

Yet more problems for San Onofre: According to Southern California Edison, a possible case of sabotage at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant is being investigated. Gundersen and KH discuss how coolant liquid at the plant may have found its way into an unrelated system and threatened the backup power supply. - San Onofre has a long history of employee concerns, and recent layoffs may have exacerbated their employee problems. - The nation's oldest running Nuclear Plant, Oyster Creek, may remain shut down for longer than expected following the discovery of a crack in the reactor head. - The NRC to back a new study which will re-evaluate earthquake risks and probabilities at U.S. nuclear plants.

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Special Edition Podcast: After Hurricane Sandy - Questions and Answers About What Happened

Special Edition Podcast: After Hurricane Sandy - Questions and Answers About What Happened

In this special edition question & answer podcast, Gundersen and KH discuss what effects Hurricane Sandy had on U.S. nuclear power plants, especially Oyster Creek. Gundersen explains how spent fuel pools are not configured to be cooled with diesel power in the event of a loss of offsite power. Oyster Creek and several other nuclear power plants did lose offsite power and Thomson Reuters reports that they may use fire pumps to cool the pools.

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