An Ominous Forecast: Black Rain

An Ominous Forecast: Black Rain

This week's podcast features an interview with Magdalena Vergeiner, daughter of theoretical meteorologist Dr. Ignaz Vergeiner. Magdalena currently works with the Austrian group AFAZ to translate Fairewinds website.  Dr. Vergeiner was instrumental in demonstrating the extent of radiation spread from the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Pennsylvania.

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40 Years of Being a Good Neighbor

40 Years of Being a Good Neighbor

This week's podcast focuses on Arnie's testimony about Canada's Pickering Nuclear Plant on Lake Ontario, whose slogan is "40 years of being a good neighbor." As Arnie explains in this podcast, it is not a matter of whether the people operating nuclear plants are good or bad. It is about a dangerous energy source that no amount of good intentions can make completely safe.  It is about the forty good years that can end with one bad day.

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Barrier to Entry with Terry Lodge

Barrier to Entry with Terry Lodge

On this week's podcast we interviewed Terry Lodge, a trial lawyer with significant experience working on nuclear issues. We have worked with Terry on cases involving San Onofre, Fermi, and Davis Besse, and today he joins us to discuss the challenge of participating meaningfully with the NRC. Is the NRC doing their job to protect citizens, or have they designed a byzantine system to thwart the public and protect the industry?

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